Channel Islands equals one more park checked off the list! It was a especially unique National Park because we had to take a boat to get out to it and it was a bumpy and WET ride. We had to hike around in wet butt for a while. On the island, there are no bathrooms, no trashcans, and no food or drink available, so we had to pack it in and our trash out.
We went hiking around one of the islands, Santa Cruz Island. It was gorgeous with cliffs, trees, plants, and amazing trails to follow around, but it was WINDY! The wind was crazy and my hair blew around everywhere. It was so windy that we ate out lunch in a ditch to try to be protected from the wind, but we had a lot of fun together.
On our way back to the mainland, we saw a pod of 400-500 dolphins that swam and jumped next to our boat. It was so magical to get to see that many in the wild like that. I have never seen tat many in one place until that moment.
It was so much fun to get to go to this National Park and it was a cool experience to do because I have feeling a lot of our future adventures are going to be like this!
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