The second semester spirit week for this year was Fire vs. Ice theme to go along with the VAPA rally. The dress up days could have been better, but my friends and I still dressed up every day! All of the days were underclassmen against upperclassmen and everyone really wanted to beat each other to win.
All The Days
There were only four different spirit days, because we had Monday off, but at least we had these ones:
- Tuesday was PJ Day so my friends and I dressed comfortable in sweat pants! In the morning leadership even handed out free hot chocolate to welcome people back from the three day weekend!
- Today for the lunch time activity, leadership was handing out free hot chocolate and snow cones! It may have been kind of cold outside but that didn’t stop us from having a snow cone.
- Wednesday was Nerds vs. Jocks, so we freshmen were nerds. I wore my BE NERDY shirt made out of the elements with pig tails. The juniors and seniors looked pretty good, but I think we won today.
- Thursday was Babies vs. Elders and I got to wear my Nemo PJ pants and pig tails again! All the classes looked awesome today and it was definitely my favorite spirit day this week. I have to hand it to the juniors and seniors because their outfits were amazing! Most them went full out and it was pretty awesome.
- Friday was rally day so underclassmen were ice and upperclassmen were fire. The whole school went 110% today to try and be better than the others. The sides of the gym were solid red and blue from everyone’s shirts. My friends and I wore matching “Ice Ice Baby” t shirts and we had tons of fun!
I wish we had Monday to dress up too, but we still had fun dressing up and watching the lunch activities! I can’t wait for next semester’s spirit week! Hope the days and theme are good!
Those spirit days stink! I wish you got to do some cooler ones! One time we had a “Disney Day” at my school and it was SOOO great!
Wow! I wish my school had that cool of spirit days! My school’s spirit days are just crazy sock day! Are you selling those shirts?
Hi, Amanda! Crazy socks can still be pretty fun! My friend actually made those shirts for us!
Your friends must be so cool to make shirts like that! They all sound so awesome and sweet!