This year, in high school, we have to complete at least 25 community service hours to graduate over your fours years. This weekend I got 23 hours at Word Camp Sacramento 2017. I had a blast volunteering and definitely want to do it again next year!
Alaina Roberts, a friend from school, and I did lots of different things to help out during the whole weekend.
We did snack bowl refills, Twitter posts, registration, directions, and a lot of snack eating. Doing this, I met a lot of new people, and reconnected with some familiar people, in the Word Press community. Everyone was really nice and talkative, too. It was such a unique experience to meet all kinds of people who are from different places and focus on different things.
This weekend of fun was a lot of eating, too. Throughout the day, there were TONS of snack bowls filled to the brim and we just kept eating. Plus, I had a cheese blanket burger from The Squeeze Inn food truck and that was delicious. We also ate out at Hot Italian, Pancake Circus, Cafeteria 15L, plus we ate some catered in Mexican food, pretzels, and brownies.
I hope I can be apart of this awesome event next year, too because it so fun to be apart of that community and help out.
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